by Pete's Mental Gym | Aug 27, 2021 | Blog
Calling all football managers. If you ask any serious footballer to what extent their mental state affects performances they all tell you a huge amount, usually seventy, eighty or ninety percent. But if you then ask those same players what they do to prepare their minds for competition most of them say nothing at all. But if the mind is so important, why not? ‘Because nobody told me’. This is simply crazy because if footballers believe their mental state contributes such a massive amount to their performances then logic suggests they should be spending as much time working on their minds as their bodies. They should. Get it? Got it? Good. But although these highly ambitious players torture themselves to get their bodies in top physical shape with long hours of physical hard slog such as running, gym work, five-a-sides, yoga, pilates etc. they do little if anything to condition their minds for competition. There is no doubt that you need to be mentally strong to succeed in football or in any other profession for that matter. I think we all know this don’t we? And yet most players only seek help for mental issues when something goes seriously wrong such as a dramatic loss of form or a crisis of confidence (or both). Furthermore, most professional UK clubs do not incorporate any regular mental training in their coaching programmes. I find this astounding. I mean, I literally can’t speak. So, as probably the most experienced mind coach working in professional football today, let me say this. Mental training should form an integral part of the day to day training programme of any players or teams who are genuinely interested in success. This is because all the time and effort practicing, sweating your bits off and getting physically fit is totally wasted without the mental strength to be composed, confident and properly focussed at vital moments of competition. My mental training method improves performance levels beyond anything you might normally expect. And by the way, I am not talking about sports psychology. When I say mental training, I refer to my mental training method, well proven for well over twenty years and supersonic compared to so-called sports psychology. Now that you know this, can you afford not to check it out because if it’s true, it’s just got to be a no-brainer hasn’t it?
by Pete's Mental Gym | Aug 27, 2021 | Blog
Calling all football managers. If I said there was an entirely safe and legal way to instantly transform the performance level of players beyond anything you imagined was possible, would you be interested? Of course you would. Well stand by because this is it! The winning edge. The zone. The groove. The flow. This is the holy grail you always sought but didn’t know how to get. The magic ingredient that allows a player to feel like a million dollars and perform at the height of their powers every time they step onto the pitch. To achieve their wildest dreams. To fulfil their true potential. This is it. Right here. Now. Truth be told, it’s easily done when you know what you’re doing. And I do because I am an expert in the field who has been working in top sport for twenty-three years.
So if you want far better results than you imagined possible, what on earth are you waiting for? Call me now and challenge me to prove it. I mean, isn’t this exactly what you’re looking for? The holy grail? The winning edge? Consistently better performances? More goals, more wins, more points?
It’s time for ‘Would I Lie To You?’If you think it’s a lie, that’s fine with me, honest. But supposing it turns out to be true, you’d kick yourself then wouldn’t you? Because it doesn’t take much to find out if it’s true or not. Over to you. You decide. True or false? Let me know. No time to waste. I already have loads of admirers and my diary fills up fast in Pre-season.
by Pete's Mental Gym | Aug 26, 2021 | Blog
Calling all football managers interested in winning more matches. Do you realise how incredibly powerful the mind is and how much performances improve when you train your mind as well as your body? I am an expert in this and what I say without the slightest hesitation to any serious, professional footballer is that just as players carry out regular physical training to get their bodies in top physical shape so they need to carry out regular mental training to get their minds in top mental shape. But not just any old mental training. Not sports psychology. I’m talking about my mental training method which is supersonic compared to sports psychology. Without this, they will never achieve their best level. Never in a million years mate. And just in case you want to write me off as a loud-mouthed bighead, let me say that I’m entitled to give my opinion because I’ve been working in top sport for more than twenty years. So please listen to this. All the physical torture players undergo to get themselves fit for a new season is totally wasted without the mental composure to be properly focused at crucial moments of competition. Truth or lie? You decide. But you need to get it right because it’s the difference between success and failure. Contact me now to find out more.
Of course, you don’t have to believe what I’m saying but if you can bring yourself to accept that it may be true you will open the door to amazing possibilities for the future. Promise
by Pete's Mental Gym | Aug 26, 2021 | Blog
Calling all football managers wanting more goals, more wins, more points. Want to hear a little known yet amazing fact that will make those little bristles on the back of your neck rise? Teams win up to 50% more points when using my mental training method. Imagine what such an improvement can mean to you. We all know football is a results business so now that you know this, can you just let it pass or will you do something about it? Because if your results improved by 50% you’d be a pretty happy bunny wouldn’t you? Even if you’re not sure and think that it’s only maybe true, well what on earth are you waiting for? Can you afford not to find out? It’s easy enough to do. Call and ask me to prove it. There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Who am I to make such claims? Here are a few facts about myself to mull over. I’ve been developing this simple, rapid, highly effective method for over twenty years. Nobody else has my skill, knowledge, experience or resources in the field of mental training in football. My methods are unique and special. I’ve worked with some of the most iconic athletes on the planet including a number of world champions. All my current clients in football are premiership players but I can easily make it possible for other levels to benefit because I want everyone to have access to these astonishing techniques
So this is like the TV show ‘Would I lie To You’ You have to decide if it’s the truth or a lie. If you think it’s true then it’s easy, just call or email me. Supposing you decide it’s a lie and then it turns out to be true. You’ll really be kicking yourself then won’t you? Because other managers will have the advantage over you while you just grin and bear it. Over to you. You decide. True or false? Let me know. But you’d better be quick mate. Because my diary is pretty full already.
by Pete's Mental Gym | Aug 25, 2021 | Blog
Calling all football managers. For me it’s a process of elimination and has been for over twenty years now. The smart ones realise what a wonderful opportunity I’m handing them and the cynics just fall away. That’s okay, I can’t work with everyone. I’m very aware that my claim, that my methods instantly and dramatically improve the performance level of players and teams far beyond anything you imagined possible, can be difficult for cynics to take on board and will likely only appeal to a limited number of modern managers who are open-minded enough to accept that this is the way forward in the modern game and explore any method that will give them that crucial advantage over competitors. That winning edge. Because that’s what my method is – the winning edge. The holy grail that all managers seek. That’s if you believe me of course. But why shouldn’t you? Why on earth would I make it up if it weren’t true? I’d be found out soon enough wouldn’t I? So just to let you know, I’ve been doing this for over twenty years and I’ve worked with some of the most iconic athletes on the planet including a number of world champions. So now it’s over to you. You decide, true or false? But you’d better be quick though because my time is limited.
by Pete's Mental Gym | May 3, 2021 | Blog
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]‘When two teams are equally strong in technique, tactics and feel for the game, the team with the greater confidence is going to win.’
– (Sven-Goran Eriksson on football, 2002)[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Ostensibly, top athletes seem to have everything they need in order to compete – two arms, two legs, fitness, ability, a brain each – so what is the difference between winning and losing. What is it that allows any athlete to produce world-class performances at certain times and to struggle at others? The answer is connected with that last item, the brain and what’s in it. What many top athletes lack is the winning attitude and they’re reluctant to listen to those who know it’s something you can manufacture and build up.
If you ask any serious athlete to what extent their mental state affects performances they all tell you a huge amount. 70%, 80% or even 90%. Nobody says less than 50%. Indeed, it’s widely accepted throughout world sport that the correct mental approach is crucial to performances. I think we all know this don’t we?
But if you then ask those same athletes what they do to prepare their minds for competition, most of them say nothing at all. Why? ‘Because nobody told me.’
Although motivated, ambitious athletes torture themselves with long hours of hard physical slog in the gym, pool, court or field in order to crank up their bodies to peak performance level they do little, if anything at all, to condition their minds for success.
This is a paradox because if athletes believe their mental attitude is responsible for at least half their performance then logic suggests they should be spending at least as much time working on their minds as their bodies. Indeed, there is no doubt they should. The world of sport is very sadly littered with the bodies of burnt-out, talented athletes who couldn’t find the mental strength to fulfil their amazing potential.
Mental training is the great broken link that must be fixed toute suite if you’re really interested in achieving great things and also, of course, if you wish to stay in contention with your more progressive rivals who know this already. It gives you the opportunity to be truly in the zone and to experience that beautiful state at will. When you’re in the zone you switch over to auto-pilot and your mind and body click into harmony. Everything feels right and everything is perfect. Everything flows easily and effortlessly and you feel a surge of purpose and strength. You feel amazing and at that fantastic moment your performance skyrockets and you go further than you have ever gone before. This is exactly what my method does for you. Not only does it improve the athlete’s performance level and help them achieve their full potential but it is absolutely certain that they cannot achieve their full potential without it.
Mental training should form an integral part of the regular, daily, training schedule of players and coaches who should understand that mental strength is built up on a regular basis in the same way as physical fitness. You don’t go to the gym once and declare yourself fit do you? In the same way, you don’t have a mental training session and say ‘That’s it! I’ve sorted my mind out.’
Also, just as athletes perform a physical warm-up routine prior to competition, they need a mental warm-up to drive out all negative thoughts and leave them feeling strong, confident and powerful with only positive thoughts flowing through their minds when they step out to perform.
Any athlete or team will instantly perform on a higher level when using the methods I have developed over the last twenty years or so. This is a fact. So why wouldn’t you do it? After all, the exercises are simple and pretty straightforward. They’re perfectly safe and highly effective. We know many athletes are affected by the scourge known as fear of failure. Maybe some are affected by a different scourge. The fear of success. If you really want success, you want to follow my mental training method. Promise. I’m not saying you’ll win every time but I am saying you’ll have a much better chance of winning every time.
Watch out for more from the UK’s top sports mental coach, Peter Gilmour, coming soon![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]