About Peter
Peter Gilmour is one of the most highly experienced mental performance coaches working today. His client list is a who’s who of professional athletes, business leaders, celebrities and other public figures. Over the years this has included some of the world’s iconic athletes, premiership footballers, top tennis players, cricketers and a number of world champions. Peter’s unique and special methods help them enter inspirational states of mind and achieve great things. Apart from performance enhancement these techniques are crucial in allowing such high profile figures to conquer the pressures of performing in the glare of intense scrutiny and maintaining good levels of wellbeing and happiness.
Peter says ‘I am totally devoted to all those with whom I have the great privilege to work. They all know they can rely on my best efforts at all times and that everything will be strictly confidential.’
The methods he has developed include a range of amazing and very special techniques he has either learned, developed, invented or nicked over the years and which make an instant and amazingly positive impact on performance levels whatever your profession. They include his own incredibly potent ‘Dynamic Relaxation’ technique.
He is in a constant process of evaluating, researching, studying and discovering new techniques to add to an already massive collection of resources to stay at the cutting edge of this crucial science.
Some of these techniques are described in Peter’s popular book Don’t Think About Pink Elephants which is available from this website or in digital form from Amazon Kindle.

The Joe Wicks of the Mind!
Hello, my name is Peter Gilmour and I’m the founder of Pete’s Mental Gym which runs group events and individual sessions for confidence, energy, success and happiness.
As a Mind Coach and author on the subject for about thirty years, I’ve helped thousands of people to be happy and achieve great things and that probably makes me about the most experienced professional working in the field today. Helping people lift their performance level beyond anything they ever dreamed about, whatever their profession or walk of life, is a great speciality of mine.
Some have referred to me as the Joe Wicks of the mind because just as Joe teaches simple exercises for physical fitness, I teach simple mental exercises for mental fitness. However, maybe it would be more accurate to refer to Joe as the Peter Gilmour of the body because I’ve been around much longer than him!
The World Health Organisation has described stress as at epidemic proportions throughout the developed world. It is a massive problem in just about every area of society. But there really is no need to suffer from stress if you follow my simple methods. I’ve treated people of all kinds for their stress symptoms for thirty years and have developed hundreds of simple, rapid, highly effective techniques that get rid of it almost instantly! I really am the king of stress. So if you have a group of people seeking stress relief such as in a business, club, sports club, college, charity or any other organisation let me know and we can either run a 1-hour webinar or you can book me to run a workshop at your premises. I can promise you quite an experience. My workshops are often described as life-changing. Together we’ll stamp out that stress straight away!
Before covid I ran a practice in Harley street, London but, like many others, I was forced to work online for a while. But now, with renewed vigour, I’m elated to be offering my popular workshops again either in my hometown of London or anywhere else in the world. I am always prepared to travel anywhere at all to run a workshop in either the sports, corporate or performing arts world for any size of group. Alternatively. It works beautifully well online. But there is no substitute for being in a room full of the positive energy of a bunch of great folks.
Quite a number of my clients are high-achieving individuals such as professional athletes, business leaders, celebrities, performance artists etc. but many of them are not known for anything at all. They just need a certain kind of help which they can’t find anywhere else. It’s my privilege to work with them whoever they are and whatever they’re doing.
My methods are probably not what you expect. I am neither a doctor, psychiatrist or psychologist. I am a hypnotist with qualifications in many other psychosensory methods and can always find a solution to presenting problems even those that doctors struggle with such as irritable bowel syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome, tinnitus, acute stress and of course depression.
You’re welcome to call for a chat and we can work out the best way to help you get the life you want. Because, at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about.