Pete’s Mental Gym
For helping people to be happy and achieve great things
Hello and welcome to the product page.
Here you can access your purchases and select any of our amazing sessions to help you get the life you want.
My name is Peter Gilmour and I am the founder of Pete’s Mental Gym. I have been doing this work for thirty years which makes me one of the most experienced and qualified guys around. I think it’s fair to suggest that I wouldn’t have lasted this long if I didn’t know what I was doing. I do.
My clients include a number of high-achieving individuals from various fields of endeavour but they also include many others who are not known for anything in particular. They just need a kind of help they can’t find anywhere else. Each of the courses replicates the kind of session that has proved successful with all of them. It is my privilege to work with them, whoever they are.
I discovered long ago the best way to treat most issues was to use a variety of approaches because they each have a different effect on the brain. Therefore, my unique method involves a range of highly effective techniques which, used in the correct sequence, always produces stunning results.
Until now my methods have only been available to clients paying a small fortune for the privilege. But I want to make them available as widely as possible and for that reason I am offering some great sessions here at a very low price so you can experience the same therapy at a fraction of the normal cost. Why? Because I want to make the world a happier place. Yes I know, incredibly naive. But those who know me will tell you it’s what I’m like. Of course, you won’t have the amazing pleasure of my live presence in the room guiding you through the process with my usual wit and charm but hey, what do you expect for £37!
Please take advantage of the offers here because these techniques will help you feel better, function better, be happier and improve everything in your life just as they have with thousands of others.

The Magic Switch
You’ve heard of the secret, well this is the solution
Just imagine that somewhere inside you have an instant switch for happiness. A switch that eliminates stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry and depression and allows you to enjoy a wonderful life full of happiness and fulfillment. Wouldn’t that be amazing? Well you do have a switch like that. We all do. The great trick is merely knowing how to activate it. That’s what this session is all about. I’ve helped thousands of people to activate the magic switch inside and now I can show you too.
The key to this secret lies in a range of simple, rapid, highly effective techniques that, when used in the right combination together, activate powerful mental tools that allow you to feel better, function better, be happier and improve everything in your life. Up to now, this unique method has only been available to certain high achieving individuals such as professional athletes, celebrities, performance artists, business leaders and other public figures who have paid a small fortune for the privilege. But now I have decided to release some of my special techniques at ridiculously low cost so that everyone can have access to them and we can all build a happier world together.
Download The Magic Switch now and start feeling the benefit immediately!
Click here to order

Eliminate IBS
Millions of people in the developed world suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or IBS as it is commonly known. It is one of a number of conditions that doctors struggle to treat effectively. In most cases they prescribe tablets that invariably don’t work so that people continue to suffer the symptoms (pain, muscle cramps, indeterminate bowel movements etc) in some cases for many years.
IBS is a stress-related condition that affects the system of peristalsis in the gut. Peristalsis is a series of wave-like muscle contractions that move food through the digestive tract. This can become clogged and inactive when people get stressed which leads to the debilitating symptoms of IBS. I have successfully treated thousands for this thoroughly annoying condition. The key is to relax the body and mind so that the body’s energy systems can flow easily and effortlessly thereby allowing the system of peristalsis to function normally. This course is based on many years of direct experience of this issue and will help you do that. Please let me know how it helps you because we need your feedback. Cheers, Peter
Click here to order

Pain Relief
It is proven beyond doubt that much of the pain we get, particularly the back pain suffered by millions, is caused by emotional distress. This video will help with that. Many people suffer from chronic pain of different kinds such as arthritis in various places and hate having to swallow huge amounts of pills every day just to be able to do simple things like get out of bed in the morning. This video is an alternative to painkilling tablets. I have treated thousands of people over the years for different kinds of pain using the kind of methods in this video. The fast pain relief remedy is a work of art and constantly surprises individuals and large audiences wherever I demonstrate it. It’s in this video. There will be a second pain relief video with some other sensational methods coming out soon.
Click here to order

Kickstart Your Life
27 1/2 MINUTES
Do you feel stuck, frustrated, angry, fed up? You’re not alone. This is the effect that modern life can have with its pressures, targets, controls and responsibilities. It gets to the point where your mind can seize up and you give up. You just don’t care any more. Don’t know which way to turn or what to do. Like all the other conditions mentioned in these pages, you are not alone. Millions feel like this and it’s not their fault. It’s the fault of a dysfunctional society where the needs of the individual are overlooked and we lose sight of who we are and what we want to achieve. The key here is to take a step back, look objectively at the situation and make good decisions for the future that bring about your happiness and fulfillment. Everyone can do this if they know how. This video is exactly what you need to kickstart your life in a positive direction.
Click here to order

Mental Energy Boost
33 1/2 MINUTES
This is a complete session for dealing with stress, anxiety, fear, doubt, worry and depression whilst boosting confidence, energy, success and happiness. Yes, it does sound great doesn’t it?
It is a typical kind of session I might carry out with people who are stressed and unhappy so they can get some joy back into their lives. This could be anybody. The fact is that people accept stress as part of life when it really doesn’t have to be. Learning how to relax is the key to a happier life and this session will help you do that. I have been treating clients for stress for thirty years. I am the king of stress. If you want to have a stress-free life please follow the instructions in this video and let the magic commence!
Click here to order
Each of the courses consists of a number of exercises derived from various modalities such as hypnosis, NLP, breathwork, tapping etc. plus some I have invented myself. I have carefully cherry-picked these exercises to help you to the maximum effect possible.
Most of the exercises work really well for most of the people. They are all well proven over a prolonged period and there is no doubt that if you follow the instructions correctly they will bring you great benefits for as long as you use them.The effect is sometimes rapid and dramatic and at other times a bit more subtle. It depends on the person and the issue. But, whoever you are and whatever you do, they will all work really well to a noticeable extent and at times bring about truly magical results. I regularly see miracles happening with these techniques
Please do the exercises first thing in the morning, as soon as you rise. You can leave the hypnosis session, which is the last session of each course, until later if necessary. You can do these exercises as often as you like. You cannot overdose on them. You will notice an immediate effect as soon as you start which will grow stronger as you continue to use the techniques. Whatever the issue, most people report a growing sense of lightness and freedom as they work through the course. That wonderful feeling continues to strengthen as you carry on with the exercises on a daily basis.
Please keep in touch and let me know how you get on. And please remember everybody – Keep Smiling!!!!!
One of the techniques offered here in every course is the wonderful modality of hypnosis which is beautifully relaxing, highly enjoyable and perfectly safe. Nobody controls your mind and you can’t get stuck in a trance.
Please do not listen to the hypnotic section of any of these courses while driving or operating machinery of any kind.
Find a place where you won’t be disturbed, Sit or lie down comfortably and follow the instructions carefully.
You’ll have a great time!
I am not a doctor and these techniques are no substitute for seeking medical advice if you feel unwell.
I have long held the view that the best healthcare lies in an integrated approach.