The Missing Mantra
Many people have an underlying feeling that something is missing in their lives. When questioned closely it emerges that what they want most is happiness but they allow stress, anxiety and the pressing ‘responsibilities’ of modern life to avoid getting it. On a level of one to ten how happy are you? Maybe you feel that happiness is some abstract concept that may exist sometime in the future. But the mantra is clear. There’s no need to wait, you can be happy now because by using Peter Gilmour’s simple yet potent methods for just a few minutes every day you will feel better, function better, be happier and improve every aspect of your life.
Peter is passionate in his desire to pass on these rapid techniques to his audiences in order to create a happier, healthier world. He offers the chance for anyone to learn these amazing secrets at his popular seminars held around the UK and abroad throughout the year. At his How to be Happy event, Peter Gilmour shows you how to be happy now. These are not lectures but humorous, vibrant, interactive events including interesting anecdotes, videos & demonstrations. At the event you will learn ten simple, potent techniques you can take away and use every day to feel better, function better and feel happier so that your life improves in every way.
If you want to revitalise and re-energise your life keep an eye on these pages for events near you or arrange for Peter to visit your club, business or any other gathering of interested people anywhere in the UK or abroad.
You can call Peter for more information on 07831 699624 or email him at [email protected].