Just as players perform a physical warm-up routine prior to matches, they also need a mental warm-up to drive out all negative thoughts and leave them feeling strong, confident, powerful and happy with only positive thoughts flowing through their minds. Few, however, are aware of even the most fundamental techniques for conditioning their minds in this way and labour under the illusion that wearing their lucky underpants, having the same breakfast every match day or listening to their favourite pop music will transport them to world-class heights. Sometimes they ask me for my opinion on these things which basically amount to nothing more than superstition and my answer is always the same. If you think it helps then do it. Whatever you think helps, do it. But make sure you do my stuff as well because the superstitious conventions you see many professional athletes indulging in are all very well but kids-stuff compared to proper mental training methods such as those I suggest in my sessions, books and workshops. Unfortunately, athletes are not always assisted much by coaches, many of whom fail to recognise the importance of mental training and struggle to understand how the mind works. Consequently, many of them tend to hide behind the ludicrous idea that you’re either born with mental strength or you’ll never have it. This is incorrect and it’s a cop out because they don’t know the correct answer. In fact, mental strength can be manufactured and built up in any willing player until they are positively overflowing with confidence, belief and winning feelings. This is what I do every day with footballers and other athletes too. It is the great broken link that players and clubs must fix without delay if they wish to stay in contention with their more progressive rivals. For those who have burning ambitions smouldering inside please remember that the world is littered with the broken dreams of talented individuals who lacked the mental strength to achieve the success expected of them. Getting that mental strength is exactly what my methods are designed for – the opportunity to be truly in the zone and experience that beautiful state at will. Please feel free to contact me now for information about how to achieve the optimum mental state for footballers. Please hurry though because my time is limited.