Calling all football managers. Over the years I have worked with a huge number of professional footballers helping them enhance performance levels and get rid of negative tendencies. When I first meet them, most don’t even have the foggiest idea about the most fundamental ways of preparing their minds for competition and regard my methods with great suspicion. During their careers, quite a few have developed certain lucky rituals such as wearing their favourite underpants, sporting the same outfit on match days, having the same pre-match meal, putting their left sock on first, listening to a particular music track, saying a prayer or crossing themselves, bowing towards Mecca or looking upwards, presumably to God, with their arms outstretched when they take to the field. When I ask them what mental preparation they use before or during matches these are usually the sort of things they talk about. Indeed, these kinds of methods seem to be utilized, accepted and even encouraged quite widely throughout the world of top sport even though there is absolutely no scientific basis for doing them. Let’s be clear, these rituals are pure superstition and have absolutely no connection to scientifically devised mental training exercises such as those in my method. I always say that if you think it helps then by all means do it and I stand by that but please don’t place this frippery in the same category as the motivational techniques I coach because it is an entirely different thing and will not have anything like the same potent effect by any means at all. Not even close mate. It’s funny how some players find it so difficult to accept that my methods work even though I can provide absolute scientific explanations for them and yet blithely go along with the underpants nonsense as if it was invented by Einstein. The problem with these antics is that they are a vague appeal to some kind of all-powerful, outside force to intercede and boost your powers in some mystical fashion whereas what you really need is that pure energy and unshakeable belief that comes from within. The truth of the matter is that everything you could possibly want to know is inside you. Meanwhile those athletes who wear their favourite underpants on match day in the belief it will somehow improve their performances are encouraged to indulge in their quasi-religious dabbling as if it were a divine right. This is because most coaches haven’t got a clue about the mental realm and are unable to provide advice on the subject. Many of them languish in the mistaken belief that you are either born with mental strength or will never have it which is of course a brazen cop out. Therefore, they are quite relieved when athletes come up with an idea off their own back even if it is some kind of medieval fertility rite. Again I say, if you think it helps then be my guest. But please don’t confuse it with my properly devised and well proven mental training methods because it is not by any means at all the same thing. Get it? Got it? Good. Please feel free to contact me, the UK’s top mind coach, for information about how to instantly and dramatically improve the performance level of footballers using super potent, scientifically proven methods. Improvement that you can’t get with even the best silk underpants.